Tag: eating habits

3 Nutritionally Balanced Meals | What I Eat In A Day

Is there such a thing as nutritionally balanced meals and if so, what does that look like? The way we’re going to ensure our meals are balanced, is to eat real food for each meal.  According to the American Nutrition and Dietetic Association, a balanced meal looks like this: 1/2 of your plate is vegetables […]

The Dangers of Bioengineered Food Ingredients

Have you taken a magnifying glass to your labels lately? Sadly on most packaged foods in 6-8 font type, you’ll see bioengineered food ingredients. Bioengineered food contains modified genetic material. This modification is not otherwise obtainable through traditional crossbreeding or found in nature. The only way it is accomplished is outside of natural life processes. […]

What to eat before and after workouts to build muscle

Fitness gains don’t just come from what we do in the gym, but what we eat before and after workouts. Pre and post workout nutrition will help us maximize the 20, 30, 60 minutes we spend training our body in the gym. I interviewed the fittest 50 year old woman on the planet a few […]

Foods to avoid if you have IBS, SIBO, or other digestive issues

Today we are discussing foods to avoid if you have digestive issues. These food groups include, nightshades, brassica vegetables, wheat, and beans and digestive issues such as acid reflux, IBS, SIBO, inflammatory bowel diseases, gas, bloating, constipation, and gallbladder issues. If you haven’t downloaded the 30 Day Digestion and Microbiome Upgrade Food Plan. I highly […]

Nutritional Strategies and Vitamins for Fat Loss

If you’re struggling with getting obesity under control, you may be overlooking some simple nutritional strategies and vitamins for fat loss. Here are 4 nutrients to make fat loss more attainable and lasting: Protein intake supports fat loss When people are decreasing calories, they often forget to increase their protein intake. This is a huge mistake.  […]

Types of Food Additives | What’s on my NEVER consume list

Today we are talking about different types of food additives. Given the amount of processed food lining the shelves of grocery stores, this is no small topic.  I don’t think we need to know every additive in foods, but I do think there are some additives that you definitely want to pass on because the risk is greater than the reward of a highly palatable, […]

Natural Remedies for IBS and other Digestive Issues

Where our digestion goes, our life goes. Time after time, patients show up at the office with digestive complaints ranging from inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease to acid reflux. Many of these patients have been conditioned to believe that they have a disease condition that warrants the use of immune-suppressing or acid-blocking […]