Tag: eating habits

How To Get Rid Of Stress Belly Fat | 3 Keys To Burning Belly Fat

How do we get rid of stress belly fat? I think we all know by now that crackers, chips, cookies, even the so-called “healthy” variety, aren’t going to do us any favors in the belly fat department. Nor is sitting at a desk all day with little to no exercise. If you need some extra […]

Setting Food Boundaries For Kids

The reason we as parents need to set food boundaries for kids is to train them to be conscious eaters. We want them to understand that there is a difference between the food that sustains us (i.e breakfast, lunch and dinner) and snacks or desserts. Desserts are for celebration.  My mother-in-law was recently in town and […]

Eat 2 or 3 meals per day instead of snacking

Is it possible to eat 2 or 3 meals per day without snacking? Yes! First, let’s look at why we snack. Boredom, distracted eating, indulgence, food insecurity, socializing, hunger. Consider that $14 billion is spent yearly by the food and beverage industry trying to convince you to eat more food.  And these billions are not […]