Tag: iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency without anemia vs. Iron deficiency with anemia

What is the difference between iron deficiency without anemia and iron deficiency with anemia? Iron deficiency is when you do not have enough iron. This is best demonstrated via a blood ferritin test.  Ferritin is the storage depot for iron. A ferritin below 30 is generally considered iron deficiency.  Most people will feel their best with […]

Why Pregnancy Requires More Iron

Having witnessed my wife birth 6 children there is no doubt that the pregnancy and birthing process is a complete miracle. That said, there are many things we have learned and experienced that can make pregnancy and the months following birth much more enjoyable. In the United States, 1 in 5 pregnant women develop iron deficiency […]

Iron Dosing: The difference between regression or results

When it comes to nutrient absorption, consuming more is not always better. This is surely the case with iron dosing.  Even for those who are iron deficient, taking too much iron can actually make the problem even worse.  In fact, you can suppress your body’s ability to take up and store iron by taking too much, […]

What does it mean when serum iron is high but ferritin is low?

This question comes up all the time. Patients are baffled when their serum iron levels come back elevated and their ferritin levels come back low even though they have all of the symptoms of iron depletion. What’s going on? Often doctors or even patients who see this think ‘oh no we better stop taking iron support’ […]

Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and what to do about it

Iron deficiency in pregnancy can be a serious burden on the mother and the baby.  When you get your iron results back and are told you are iron deficient most doctors will immediately prescribe Ferrous sulfate 325mg  (65mg elemental iron) and have you dose it 2-3x per day.  The problem with ferrous sulfate is that […]

The Iron Series – Why the right iron matters for digestion

You get your blood work back and are told you are iron deficient.  You have no energy, can’t focus, can’t remember things, have headaches, weakness, easy bruising and all you need is to get your iron stores up to remedy your situation.   Your doctor recommends ferrous sulfate or you go out on your own […]

The Iron Series – Iron deficiency in menstruating women

If your iron supplement doesn’t start working in 30 days or less you may be facing an iron deficiency: One of the common causes of iron deficiency is heavy bleeding during your period.   Starting in your pre-teen years and continuing on through mid-life, month after month of losing blood via menstruation and not adequately refurbishing […]