Tag: iron deficiency

Combat Iron Deficiency with Efficiency: Hydrolyzed Whole Protein Iron Chelate

Imagine a life where you wake up each day with renewed energy, knowing that your body is thriving in optimal health. Meet hydrolyzed whole protein iron chelate—a game-changing solution that holds the key to unlocking this vibrant reality. Think back to those moments when fatigue weighed you down and the most straightforward tasks felt like […]

Dairy: A Cause of Iron Deficiency in Children?

Iron deficiency in children is often overlooked until an event (i.e. seizure, fainting with emotional exacerbation (crying), eating dirt, chronic infections) occur that force a parent to take their child to be evaluated by a doctor.  And even then, many times their primary care doctor will overlook iron deficiency, all the while the child suffers.   […]

Iron deficiency without anemia vs. Iron deficiency with anemia

What is the difference between iron deficiency without anemia and iron deficiency with anemia? Iron deficiency is when you do not have enough iron. This is best demonstrated via a blood ferritin test.  Ferritin is the storage depot for iron. A ferritin below 30 is generally considered iron deficiency.  Most people will feel their best with […]

Periorbital dark circles can be a sign of iron deficiency

Are the dark circles under your eyes caused by iron deficiency? Dark circles and iron deficiency, many times go hand-in-hand. This is because without adequate iron, the body is unable to properly circulate oxygen. Hemoglobin the protein that transports oxygen on red blood cells breaks down when there is insufficient iron.  This breakdown of hemoglobin causes […]

The Iron Series: A simple way to decrease febrile seizures.

If your child has ever had a febrile seizure you understand the intensity of the situation and how you would not it upon any parent.  One of my twin daughters had a febrile seizure at 14 months of age and it was quite traumatic. Gratefully she came through it and is doing fantastic today. ver since that […]

The Iron Series – Why the right iron matters for digestion

You get your blood work back and are told you are iron deficient.  You have no energy, can’t focus, can’t remember things, have headaches, weakness, easy bruising and all you need is to get your iron stores up to remedy your situation.   Your doctor recommends ferrous sulfate or you go out on your own […]

The Iron Series – Iron deficiency in menstruating women

If your iron supplement doesn’t start working in 30 days or less you may be facing an iron deficiency: One of the common causes of iron deficiency is heavy bleeding during your period.   Starting in your pre-teen years and continuing on through mid-life, month after month of losing blood via menstruation and not adequately refurbishing […]