Have you taken a magnifying glass to your labels lately? Sadly on most packaged foods in 6-8 font type, you’ll see bioengineered food ingredients.
Bioengineered food contains modified genetic material.
This modification is not otherwise obtainable through traditional crossbreeding or found in nature. The only way it is accomplished is outside of natural life processes.
The reason it’s done is to make it easier to make lots of processed food and to give that processed food a longer shelf life.
You can change one gene via genetic modification but that one gene change now has a ripple effect going forward.
The structure and function of the food, animal and human have now been irreversibly changed.
People will say the FDA wouldn’t legalize this activity if there was studies done showing it was safe. I would love to believe that or be able to show data that is in line with the National Academy of Sciences and the FDA, which states “bioengineered foods are safe to eat and pose no risk to your health.”
Unfortunately, it is challenging to understand where this conclusion came from given that there are no studies on humans using bioengineered food.
The fact is, if you are consuming bioengineered food, you are the experiment.
In light of that, consider that 40% of people have allergies, autoimmune disease is skyrocketing, autism affects 1 out of every 36 children now, depression and anxiety are basically expected conditions of the majority of the population.
I think the human experiment is failing just like the animal ones have.
Animals on these GMOs get cancers, bone deterioration, MS, blood cancers, eczema, allergies, inflammatory bowl disease and imbalances in their inflammatory response.
The most common GMO food crops in the U.S. are:
- Canola
- Corn
- Soy
- Sugar beets
- Yellow squash
- Zucchini
How to reduce GMO’s in your diet:
- Buy food that is labeled 100 percent organic. This is by no means perfect but will greatly decrease your exposure.
- Choose whole foods that you can prepare yourself instead of processed or prepackaged foods.
- Look for “non-GMO” or “GMO-free” labels.
- Purchase grass-fed beef from a local source.
- Eliminate corn and soy products entirely.
- Do not use pesticides or herbicides on your land. If you do, you are the problem.
The thing is these bioengineered foods introduce novel organisms or proteins that trigger an immune response. One of the reasons why I recommend eliminating soy and corn products from your diet is because even on organic farms there is cross contamination since the bioengineered farm sits right next to the organic farm.
A bag of GMO tortilla chips from Costco is cheap compared to a bag of organic apples. But have you considered the cost of waking up day after day feeling worse than the day before or seeing your children have more and more allergies, rashes, menstrual issues, and autoimmune disease?
The cost of bioenigeneered food is real and the price our body is paying goes up with each bite.
Consuming too many GMO foods? Start detoxifying your body with these foods.