It may be cold and flu season, but we don’t have to succumb to sickness. Today, I’m sharing my top recommendations for the most effective nutrient support for colds, coughs, and flu. Plus, I have a DIY home remedy – the wet sock treatment that can do wonders in stopping a cold or flu in its tracks.
I will not be discussing Nyquil, Dayquil, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough suppressants, or drugs, because these agents serve to derail the body’s natural healing signals and act only to mask symptoms.
Please keep in mind this is health education, not personal medical advice.
Top supplement recommendations for cold and flu support
Vitamin C
It’s no surprise that Vitamin C made the list.
Vitamin C is a faithful ally when it comes to reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.
Studies do not show a reduction in the incidence of the common cold, that is unless you are an avid runner, skier or soldier, then the incidence of the common cold is reduced by 50% by supplementing with vitamin C. High physical stress demands vitamin C, increasing the propensity for these individuals to get sick.
If you do get a cold and have not already been utilizing vitamin C, for greatest benefit, studies suggest consuming 8 grams of vitamin C daily, starting within 24 hours of symptom onset and continuing for at least 5 days. 1
If you don’t like or eat fruit, then you probably want to make vitamin C supplementation a regular part of your life routine, as your body can not manufacture it.
As a general rule, you want to limit added sugars and flours, but especially with illness it’s paramount, as glucose and vitamin C use the same protein transporter to enter cells.
This GLUT-1 receptor actually prefers glucose, so if sugars are high, like in diabetes or via cake and cookies, the ability of cells to uptake vitamin C is going to be hindered.
NAC (N-acteyl cysteine) is an amino acid that serves as a necessary precursor to our body’s most potent antioxidant, glutathione. When we get sick, oxidative stress goes through the roof.
Depending on your body or cell’s antioxidant status going into illness often determines how efficient you clear the illness.
A clinical trial of 262 people showed that those who were taking NAC 600mg two times per day were only 25% likely to have influenza symptoms compared to 67% in the group not on NAC.
Both groups tested positive for influenza but those consuming NAC were much less likely to have symptoms.2
NAC both orally and in nebulized form is great for sinus congestion and helping to clear the burden of mucous in the lungs because it works as a mucolytic to break the bonds between mucous, making it easier for the respiratory tract to clear the congestion.
Every home should have a nebulizer. Watch this video for how to best use a nebulizer.
Zinc and Propolis
One of my favorite combos to decrease intensity and duration of cold and flu symptoms is zinc and propolis.
In respiratory infections, the addition of zinc and propolis has been shown to improve symptoms more effectively than standard of care alone.
In children it can significantly reduce the frequency of ear infections and respiratory disease in children.
This is because Zinc and propolis work to inhibit viral replication, help balance the immune response and have anti-inflammatory effects allowing the respiratory tract to get back to homeostasis faster.3
Wet Sock Treatment and Steam Inhalations
In the at-home treatment category, if you have not tried the wet sock or warming sock treatment, you are really missing out.
Also, steam inhalations can help calm down bronchial spasms, act as an antimicrobial, and help clear mucous from the sinus cavity.
Simply add 1-2 drops of thyme, mint or eucalyptus essential oil to a bowl of hot water and put a towel over your head and breathe in the mist.
What is your favorite DIY cold or flu remedy? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
- Bucher A, White N. Vitamin C in the Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016;10(3):181-183. Published 2016 Feb 9. doi:10.1177/1559827616629092
- De Flora S, Grassi C, Carati L. Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment. Eur Respir J. 1997;10(7):1535-1541. doi:10.1183/09031936.97.10071535
- Cardinale F, Barattini DF, Martinucci V, Bordea MM, Barattini L, Rosu S. The Effectiveness of a Dietary Supplement with Honey, Propolis, Pelargonium sidoides Extract, and Zinc in Children Affected by Acute Tonsillopharyngitis: An Open, Randomized, and Controlled Trial. Pharmaceuticals. 2024; 17(6):804.