Tag: iron

Iron and Vaccine Efficacy

Considering the current vaccine campaign that has injected 7.35 billion humans, I think it is more than reasonable to consider adjusting health parameters to make sure people who are receiving these shots have the best possible outcome. Obesity, diabetes and a general state of metabolic derangement makes the creation of robust immune memory poor and […]

Iron deficiency without anemia vs. Iron deficiency with anemia

What is the difference between iron deficiency without anemia and iron deficiency with anemia? Iron deficiency is when you do not have enough iron. This is best demonstrated via a blood ferritin test.  Ferritin is the storage depot for iron. A ferritin below 30 is generally considered iron deficiency.  Most people will feel their best with […]

Why Pregnancy Requires More Iron

Having witnessed my wife birth 6 children there is no doubt that the pregnancy and birthing process is a complete miracle. That said, there are many things we have learned and experienced that can make pregnancy and the months following birth much more enjoyable. In the United States, 1 in 5 pregnant women develop iron deficiency […]

What does it mean when serum iron is high but ferritin is low?

This question comes up all the time. Patients are baffled when their serum iron levels come back elevated and their ferritin levels come back low even though they have all of the symptoms of iron depletion. What’s going on? Often doctors or even patients who see this think ‘oh no we better stop taking iron support’ […]

The Iron Series: A simple way to decrease febrile seizures.

If your child has ever had a febrile seizure you understand the intensity of the situation and how you would not it upon any parent.  One of my twin daughters had a febrile seizure at 14 months of age and it was quite traumatic. Gratefully she came through it and is doing fantastic today. ver since that […]