Today we are talking about different types of food additives. Given the amount of processed food lining the shelves of grocery stores, this is no small topic.
I don’t think we need to know every additive in foods, but I do think there are some additives that you definitely want to pass on because the risk is greater than the reward of a highly palatable, colorful food item.
Food additives are used to make food taste, smell and look better.
Additives make it possible for food to sit on a shelf for years without changing color, or growing mold. They give crackers, chips, breads that special crunch that you just never can quite recreate at home.
Food additives are everywhere and in everything that is not a real, whole food. Even non-organic meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, may have additives to make these otherwise whole foods, last longer.
I am going to go through my “not a chance” they are going into my body list.
My main rule about these food additives is that if they are artificial I am not consuming them.
If you want to know my 7 recommended eating habits, check out this post.
- Artificial food coloring – Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6. They are correlated with all manner of mood disorders and neurotoxicity. They only serve to make you think you are consuming something with life-giving substance.
When I see a parent buying their kid a slurpy or cotton candy or skittles, I admit I cringe, as I consider how they are making their parenting that much more challenging and how they are paying to put a known neurotoxin into their child. - Sodium nitrites and nitrates in meats. There is significant concern about these substances in cured meats and for good reason as they are shown to form nitrosamines which are highly associated with cancers, especially bowel cancers. Look for it any deli meats, bacon, or other precooked meats.
- Polysorbate 80. This is an artificial emulsifier used in ice cream, coffee creamers, mayonnaise, and salad dressings to prevent separation of ingredients. It is also in many prescription medications and supplements. Animal studies show it promotes bowel inflammation and triggers bacterial changes that promote obesity. There are endless options without polysorbate 80 that taste delicious.
- Phosphoric acid. A food additive that is used in soda pop and flavored waters to give the addictive tart or tangy flavor that promotes calcium imbalances, degradation of your bone matrix and irritates your kidneys.
Chronic kidney disease is overwhelming our health system in America. Dialysis centers are popping up everywhere. This liquid phosphoric acid in the form of soda pop, energy drinks, and flavored water is a major culprit.
Many patients are addicted to these drinks and are willing to give up their health freedom so they can continue to drink another can of soda. When the bones become brittle and you’re getting fluid retention in your legs and are unable to care for yourself any more, the soda will not be able to help you. - Titanium Dioxide. A food coloring used in skittles, starburst, baked goods, broths, sauces and many more foods. The food industry often says, not to worry about additives, but the deal is food additives like titanium dioxide build up in our bodies over time and it is very challenging for the body to excrete it out.
Europe has banned titanium dioxide over concerns of gene toxicity. You don’t need it. Titanium dioxide only has the potential to subtract from your health.
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Recognize that the processed food industry has a massive lobbying group that goes 24/7, 365 to ensure restrictions are minimal and that they can continue to make more processed foods that last longer and feed into the addiction cycle.
Not only that but the United States does not have a system in place for reevaluation of additives that have been cleared by the FDA.
This means that certain chemicals have not been reevaluated since they were first approved, which could have been a couple decades ago. All the while the field of toxicology is progressing and finding significant concerns with so many of them.
Stick to real food. Get it as local as you can.